From the Sustainability Office: Classes We're Considering

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As students at Rice University, we are lucky to attend a school with such a wide variety of courses; there are many classes to satisfy students’ interests. As sustainability-focused people, here are some of the courses that we are considering:

ASIA 488: Asia and Energy

ASIA 488 is an upper-level course in Asian Studies that uses Asian countries and cultures as a way to explain production, exchange, consumption, and influence of energy on political, economic, and social institutions. Some of the topics include energy security and energy policy formation. While this is a great course for anyone interested in Asian Studies, this course assumes that you have a basic knowledge of the history and politics of Asian societies and economies.

ASIA 317: Environment and Society in China

Another great class under Asian Studies is ASIA 317. This course delves deeper into the environmental issues that plague the news in China. It is an interesting way to learn about the different perspectives in China on the current state of the environment.

ANTH 451: The Anthropology of Water

ANTH 451 is laboratory class for those interested in research. Students will be able to conduct their own research projects on water related issues using an anthropological perspective. This is a great course for those of you who enjoy more hands-on learning.

EBIO 204: Environmental Sustainability: The Design & Practice of Community Agriculture

EBIO 204 is a one-credit hour course that counts for Distribution III Credit. Students will primarily work on developing and improving the Rice Community Garden. There is a strong emphasis on learning and applying ecological principles to community agriculture. This course allows you to both learn and make a difference. In taking this course, keep in mind that the class also has required meetings outside of regular class time.

HUMA 202: Culture, Energy and the Environment: An Introduction to Energy Humanities

If you are looking for Distribution I credit, HUMA 202 is an introductory level course that helps students better understand the cultural dimensions of humanity’s energy use. Climate change is a serious issue in today’s society, and this course will help you understand more about our environmental impact and the possibility of new energy futures. No matter what discipline you are from, I recommend taking this course that draws from research in a variety of areas.

STAT 313: Uncertainty and Risk in Urban Infrastructure

For those seeking a more mathematical approach, STAT 313 is a great way to combine engineering with current challenges. This class explores the relevance of infrastructure risk in terms of real engineering problems. One topic includes the systems and challenges of the gulf coast area. This course also counts for Distribution III credit.